Releasing a project copy as a new master document
Releasing a project copy as a new master document causes a new revision of the master document to be created from the content of the project copy that is being released. The project copy remains in the project for future reference, though inactive.
In order to release a project copy as a new master document, the following conditions must be met:
- The project copy must be in a released document workflow state.
- The master document must not be locked or it must be locked by the project copy being released. If the project copy cannot be released as a new master document revision because the master document is locked by a different project copy, you must unlock it first. See Unlocking a master document.
- The master document must not have been changed since the project copy was created. If the project copy cannot be released as a new master document revision because the master document has been changed, you must reconcile the project copy with the master document first. See Reconciling with an updated master document.
- Master document hybrid parts will not be replaced by renamed project copy hybrid parts as expected unless the content of the project copies has also been changed.
- Besides the normal Managed Change privileges, you also need the Release Quick Change privilege to use this command in the Meridian Web Client.
- If this command is run on a selection of documents, only the documents that meet the preceding conditions will be released. The other documents will not be released until the conditions have been met and the command run on them again.
To release a project copy as a new master document revision:
- Right-click the project copy to be released, point to Managed Change (Project), and then click Release from Folder (Release as Master Revision). A new revision of the master document is created from the content of the project copy and the project copy becomes inactive.
- Select the project copy to be released.
- In the Project ribbon, in the Assign group, click Release as Master Revision. A new revision of the master document is created from the content of the project copy and the project copy becomes inactive.
To release a project copy as a new master document revision:
- Select the project copy to be released.
- From the Document menu, select Managed Change (Master/Project Copy) , and click Release from Folder (Release as Master Revision). A new revision of the master document is created from the content of the project copy and the project copy becomes inactive.